Post Course Survey Listings

NameJennifer Alwood
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Did you feel you accomplished all the objectives listed on the student syllabus/outline for each lesson? If not, please let us know where we fell short.


Would you recommend this course to a friend or colleague? Why or why not?


What is the number one takeaway from this course that you think will make a difference in your email copywriting?

I've been using the ideas from this training and EMS and have already seen more attention from my list. I'm seeing more clicks in addition to more opens.

I'm also getting noticed on Linked In because I posted my EMS badge. I didn't do anything else but post that badge and I'm getting contacted by companies looking for help with their emails.

What do you wish you had learned or practiced that you didn’t? What was missing?

If I was taking this course but hadn't already taken the EMS training, I would find it hard to understand how to define my ideal customer. Not including any training on defining the perfect customer may have been planned to encourage a user to take the EMS training. However, if this is the case, then you might want to mention the other training module to those who may have signed up for SECM but haven't taken EMS.

Was there something in the course that you didn’t like? What could we do differently to make this a better learning experience?

The handouts are great, but not easy to use. For example, the powerful phrases is a long document. It would be easier to use if the phrases were grouped logically so if you're working on an email and you're looking for a descriptive word, you don't have to search the entire document.

Although this isn't that big of a deal, I can see where it might be more beneficial to force the user to create their own groupings to better learn the material.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you in your ability to write click-getting, revenue-generating emails now that you’ve finished this course?10
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important do you think short emails are to the success of your business?10
On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the results of the emails you’re sending to your customers now that you’ve finished this course?10
Entry DateApril 7, 2021
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